Palatability in Pet Nutrition: Why It Matters

As pet parents, we strive to provide the best for our furry companions. We invest time in choosing the right toys, the cosiest beds, and the healthiest food. But in the pursuit of optimal nutrition, there’s one crucial factor that often goes overlooked: palatability. Simply put, if your pet doesn’t find their food appetizing, they won’t eat it, no matter how nutritionally balanced it is.

Why Palatability Matters

Imagine sitting down to a meal that’s good for you but lacks flavour or texture. You might eat it out of necessity, but it wouldn’t be a meal you’d look forward to. The same goes for our pets. If food doesn’t appeal to them, they’ll either eat it reluctantly or, in some cases, refuse to eat it altogether. This can lead to undernourishment, especially if the pet is already picky or has specific dietary needs.

Healthy Food Can Be Tasty

Contrary to popular belief, healthy pet food doesn’t have to be bland. By using high-quality, natural ingredients, pet food can be both nutritious and highly enjoyable, ensuring pets get the nutrients they need while savoring their meals.

The Boneve Approach: Natural, Nutritious, and Irresistible

At Boneve, we understand the importance of balancing nutrition and taste. That’s why we were thrilled to launch our freeze-dried raw prey for cats in June. The response from pet parents has been overwhelming, with many sharing amusing stories of their cats gnawing through the bag to get more. These pets simply can’t get enough of it.

So, what’s the secret? Many pet parents have asked us whether we added any flavor enhancers or artificial ingredients to make our food so irresistible. The answer is no. The appeal of Boneve’s freeze-dried raw prey lies in its natural composition. Our formula is made up of 98.8% meat, organs, and bones, which closely mimics the diet that cats would naturally consume if they were living in the wild. The freeze-drying technique locks in both the nutrients and taste, providing all the benefits of raw food but without the hassle or worry.

This approach taps into the instincts of our pets. While they may be domesticated and pampered, cats still have the primal urge to hunt and consume prey. By offering food that mirrors this natural behavior, we cater to their innate preferences, making mealtime both satisfying and nutritious.

Why Boneve’s Freeze-Dried Raw Prey Stands Out

Boneve’s freeze-dried raw prey is not just about mimicking nature—it’s about providing a diet that is truly beneficial for your pet’s health. The high content of meat, organs, and bones in our formula ensures that your cat receives a diet rich in essential nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, all of which are vital for their well-being.

Moreover, because our freeze-dried raw prey is made from livestock in New Zealand, where they are free-range, grass-fed, or wild-caught, it contains a balance of nutrients that pets would naturally consume in the wild. This includes calcium from bones, taurine from organ meats, and a range of amino acids from muscle meat—all of which contribute to a healthy, thriving pet.

Understanding Your Pet’s Instincts

It’s easy to forget that beneath the cute exterior of our pets lies the heart of a hunter. Cats, in particular, are obligate carnivores, meaning they are biologically designed to eat a diet that consists primarily of meat. Their ancestors hunted and consumed their prey whole, and this natural behaviour is still present in their instincts today.

When we feed our pets food that aligns with their natural dietary needs, we’re not just feeding their bodies—we’re feeding their instincts. This is why pets are drawn to foods like Boneve’s freeze-dried raw prey, which closely resembles the prey they would hunt in the wild.

Boneve’s Commitment

At Boneve, we prioritise both nutrition and flavour, using natural ingredients to create food that pets love and that pet parents can trust. Our freeze-dried raw prey is a testament to our commitment to providing delicious, wholesome food that meets the natural needs of pets.

In summary, palatability is crucial for pet nutrition, and Boneve has found a way to deliver it without compromising on health. By focusing on natural, instinct-driven ingredients, we’ve created a product that pets can’t resist, ensuring they get the nutrition they need to thrive.

Cat-astrophe Averted! Tackling Hairball Troubles

Spring ushers in not only blooming flowers but also Hairball Awareness Day. A time where we shine the light on pesky hairballs in our feline companions. It happens a lot. Your cat napping peacefully but out of nowhere, bolts, hunkers down, stretches out the neck, and spits out something icky. Hairballs again! A hairy dilemma of every pet parent.

As cat lovers, we cherish every purr, meow, and playful leap of our feline friends. We don’t like seeing them painfully coughing up wads of fur. This month gives us the chance to learn more about why hairballs happen, ways to treat them, and how to keep your cats feeling their best.

What causes hairballs?

Cats are meticulous groomers. You might notice that your cat spends a significant portion of their day licking their fur. This habit comes with a downside. When cats groom themselves, they inevitably swallow some of the loose fur. Often it passes through their digestive system without issue. But sometimes, the fur accumulates in the stomach and forms a hairball.

Not to worry! Occasional hairballs are considered normal. But if your cat is hacking up a lot or if it’s really big, it might be a sign of trouble. Those big hairballs can get stuck in their belly, making them feel sick, lose their appetite, or even cause blockages.

Reduce hairballs naturally

As pet parents, we can do a few things to help our cats have fewer hairball troubles and stay healthy.

Keep fur tangle-free with regular grooming sessions
Aside from professional grooming, brushing your cat’s fur regularly helps remove loose hair before it reaches the tummy. Plus, it’s a great bonding activity between you and your feline friend.

Make sure water bowls are filled and fresh
Try to get your cat to drink lots of water to help their tummy work better. They may not like to drink on their own but it’s not impossible. You could even give a fountain-style water bowl a shot to make it more appealing for them to drink.

Don’t skip vet check-ups
It can be scary at times but prevention is always better than cure. Regular check-ups for your cat are important to catch any health issues early and address anything that might be causing those pesky hairballs.

More play or interactive games
When cats get bored, they sometimes groom themselves too much, which can cause more hairballs. But there’s an easy fix! You can jazz things up by adding extra play sessions. Playing not only gives them something fun to do, but it’s also a welcome distraction from excessive grooming habits.

Feed your feline friend right
Making sure your cat eats a high-quality diet that supports their skin and coat health can make a big difference. Some cat foods are specifically formulated to reduce hairball formation like our dry cat food. Made with kiwi that helps control hairballs with its fibre content. It boosts friendly gut bacteria, making it easier for swallowed hair to move through the digestive system. This helps lower the risk of hairballs. Even though kiwis are small, it’s full of flavour and nutrients, and they can do big things for your cat’s health.

Hairball harmony

Having to deal with hairballs is just part of having a cat, but it’s nothing to stress over! Keep an eye on your furry buddy, take some preventive measures, and if things get hairy, don’t hesitate to reach out to the vet. That way, your cat can stay cosy and carefree without any worry.

This Hairball Awareness Day, let’s show our cats some extra love and attention. Doing the little things for them goes a long way in keeping them purring with content.

Let’s Get Real: Investing in Moments with Our Furry Companions

Welcoming a furry friend into your life is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important to understand the time and effort needed to be a responsible pet parent. Beyond their adorable faces, pets come with specific needs that demand our attention and care.

Even when life gets busy, making time for our pets every day is what counts. They rely on us entirely for their care, companionship, and to have their needs met. Here’s how to strengthen your bond, and the time commitment involved in ensuring your pet feels loved and content.

Kitten playing

Play, bond, and cuddle

All work and no play is a big no for us, especially to our pets! They thrive on active play and exercise for their wellness and happiness. Without it, their excess energy can affect their behaviour. Try to spend an hour walking, playing fetch, or setting up an indoor play area for your dogs. To keep your cats entertained, play sessions with interactive toys help along with a cat tower for extra stimulation.

Dog water play

Explore, experience new adventures

Walks benefit us in many ways and they do the same for our pets. A 30-minute walk with your dogs boosts their mental and physical health. Just like us, they experience joint pain, but regular walks can help keep them active as they age. Plus, it’s also a great opportunity for dogs to expand their social circle. Interacting with other dogs, animals, and people helps them develop good social skills and build confidence.

Nourish and treat

Cats and dogs need nourishing meals to maintain their health. Freeze-dried offers a convenient and nutritious feeding solution for busy pet parents. Simply serve as is or rehydrate for a fresh meal in minutes. Freeze-dried preserves natural nutrients, giving a biologically appropriate diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It’s the benefits of a raw diet without the hassle of handling fresh meats, saving time for more cuddles and playing with your pets. Try our Freeze-Dried Raw Prey for dogs here.

Cat eating

Pamper and preen

Keeping your pet’s coat in shape is crucial for their health and comfort. Different breeds have different grooming needs, so it’s essential to tailor your routine accordingly. Make it a habit to brush your cats and dogs weekly to prevent mats, tangles, and hairballs. Regular nail trims are also important to avoid discomfort. And remember to take your pets to a professional grooming session for that extra pampering.

Learn, grow, make new friends

Training and socialising your pets are key to having a happy home and a strong bond with them. For dogs, especially puppies, signing up for obedience classes is a great idea. In these classes, your pup will learn essential commands like sit, stay, and come, while also getting to interact with other dogs and people in a safe setting. These classes usually last 6-8 weeks, with hour-long sessions each week.

Pamper our pets at the vet

Regular check-ups are super important for keeping an eye on your pet’s health and catching any problems early on. Make sure to schedule those yearly wellness exams for your cats and dogs so they’re all caught up on their shots and preventive care. And remember to account for any unexpected trips to the vet for health issues that pop up out of the blue.

The time you give matters

Our pets need our presence, affection, and attention. While the demands of daily life pull us in countless directions, making time is what tells our pets just how loved and cherished they are. By giving them a part of your day, you’ll not only keep them healthy but also strengthen the special connection you have with them.

Let’s Get Real: The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

February is Spaying and Neutering Awareness Month. Not only is it responsible pet care, but it also brings benefits for our furry friends. And with HDB’s new ruling allowing cats in flats in Singapore, this subject couldn’t be more relevant.

When you first welcome your new pet into your home, ensuring a healthy beginning involves spaying or neutering them. But rather than saying these are just mere medical procedures, let’s instead emphasise that they are acts of love and care for our furry companions.

What it means for you and your pets

A longer, healthier life
Having your cat or dog spayed or neutered can contribute to a longer, healthier life for them. Typically, spaying or neutering your dog can extend their lifespan by 1 to 3 years on average. For cats, it could mean enjoying an extra 3 to 5 years of life.

By having your pets fixed, you’re not just ensuring their well-being, but also giving them more cherished years by your side.

Fewer health issues
We all want our furry friends healthy for as long as possible. Studies show neutered male dogs and cats have fewer prostate issues, and spayed females are less likely to get breast tumours or uterine infections.

While you can have your pet spayed or neutered at almost any time, it’s ideal to have your kitties done by 5 months, once they reach an acceptable weight. For pups, small breeds under 45 pounds should get snipped around 5-6 months generally, while big guys over 45 pounds can wait till 9-15 months when they’re mature.

But every pet is different, and it’s best to talk to your vet about it. They can give you tailored advice based on your pet’s breed, age, and size.

Less desire to roam
When it comes to our male pets, getting them neutered can really save a ton of headaches! Those raging hormones also means a much intense desire to roam. Neutering helps simmer that urge and reduce the risk of fights with other pets. Intact males are more likely to escape in pursuit of mating opportunities, increasing their risk of becoming lost.

Cats can be quite loud when they’re in heat. They often vocalise and persistently attract male cats for mating. From subtle meowing sounds to loud yowls, it can be a pain for you and your neighbours. Spaying helps stop this behaviour and keeps your community peaceful too.

Cut costs
Pet bills rack up fast, and they skyrocket when your furry friend unexpectedly becomes pregnant. Getting pets fixed certainly isn’t free, but way more affordable than accidentally ending up with 4 litters of kittens or pups to feed. Prevention saves tons of hefty bills down the line.

Plus, many shelters need to turn away pets because they just don’t have room. Spaying and neutering helps so shelters are not overwhelmed for space and resources. Less accidental litter keeps the pet population in check.

Calmer, tidier household
Heat cycles can make even the friendliest pets super moody and stressed. While in heat, female cats and dogs might not feel like eating much because they’re focused on mating. Similarly, male cats and dogs can get distracted and less interested in food when they’re thinking about mating.

We can prevent most of that behavioural chaos! Studies have shown that spayed or neutered pets are way less territorial and aggressive overall. No physical mess to clean up, and no more mood swings or anxiety that often go along with those cycles. Less stress, less mess—what’s not to love?

Environmental responsibility
Strays can impact wildlife too. Because they don’t have proper care, strays compete for food and can throw ecosystems out of balance. Small actions like spaying and neutering prevent larger disruptions down the road for vulnerable species.

While it may not seem an obvious connection at first, pet population control and environmental health go hand in hand. Spaying and neutering can help reduce pet abandonment cases. Overall, it helps keep ecosystems flowing smoothly. At boneve, we advocate for the well-being of animals, the environment, and unity among all.

A Positive Choice for Pet Health

As we celebrate Spaying and Neutering Awareness Month, let’s not forget that these decisions impact more than just our pets. They also influence our community and environment too. Through these seemingly small yet powerful choices, we’re crafting a brighter future for our beloved furry companions.

Let’s Get Real: The Cost of Pet Parenthood

Pets bring immeasurable joy and love to many families, but the decision to welcome one (or two) in your home means more than just exciting times.

Taking care of a pet is a significant commitment, both emotionally and financially. Since they can be with us for 15 years or more, the expenses accumulate over time.

We did a little math to find out the average cost* of having a furry friend by your side. Whether you buy, adopt, or take in a stray, there are numbers to think about and budgets to consider.

*Costs are average and based on Singapore Dollar.

One-Time Costs


Dogs in Singapore are required to have their microchip registered, and soon for cats too. Microchipping increases the odds of finding them if they ever get lost or stolen. The tiny chip could be your ticket to a happy reunion! This can go from S$50 to S$100.

Register your pet’s microchip, details, and your information with places like AVS, NParks, vet clinics, Petcall, and SPCA. An updated microchip allows for easier contact.


In Singapore, having a pet licence is a must for dogs. This way, pets are accounted for and can be traced back to their pet parents. Licence fees differ, but there’s a S$35 one-time fee for neutered dogs, lasting their lifetime.

Spaying and Neutering
S$150 to S$600, not including tests and post-surgery medication
To avoid surprise litters and help reduce animal overpopulation, spaying or neutering is the best way. This also lowers the number of strays on the streets. Getting your pet spayed or neutered can run you around S$350 to S$500, maybe even more, and that depends on how much your furball weighs.

Ongoing Costs

From S$20-S$150

How much you spend on food is largely based on your pet’s size, breed, and what they love to eat. Some dine on wet, raw, or dry food. Premium and quality nutrition may come with a price tag, but the benefits for your pets’ overall health make it worthwhile. Feeding hamsters or bunnies costs less and ranges from $20 to $50 monthly. Just a heads up, that doesn’t cover the fancy treats or snacks for your little buddy.

S$50 to S$150

Regular grooming is necessary for your pet’s health. While this can be done at home, sometimes a pro is best for the job. Depending on size, breed, and fur, this can cost between S$50 to S150. Cats are meticulous groomers but they might need a trim every 4-6 weeks, while dogs need grooming more frequently.

Vet Visits
S$40 to S$120

Regular vet check-ups are crucial. During these visits, your vet makes sure everything is in shape and tries to spot sneaky issues early on. The bill for these are usually S$40 to S$120. It can still be more, depending on the health issue you’re dealing with. Don’t forget to save some extra cash for medical emergencies!

From S$50

Keep preventable ailments away with regular vaccinations. The price will vary on what vaccine you will get, but it will mostly be around S$50 or more per visit. Talk to your vet to make sure you’re getting the correct shots for your furry friend.

Deworming, Fleas, and Ticks Prevention

Don’t let parasites worm their way into your furry friend or you! Deworming is a preventative care that helps reduce parasites (internal and external). Even before birth, dogs can contract different types of worms. The cost of deworming depends on the clinic, product, and your pet’s weight. But be ready to shell out S$20 or more.

If you bring your cats outdoors, it’s advisable to consider spot-on preventive treatments, such as Revolution®. This can help protect your felines from pesky pests.

Pet Supplies

Setting up a cosy space for your pets comes with a price tag too. Beds and toys need changing every few months, especially if your pets are prone to biting and chewing. For pet parents who drive, investing in a protective car seat cover is ideal since most dogs and cats are prone to fur shedding. Plus, it saves your car seat from those unintentional scratches. Win-win.

Emergency Medical Bills
S$150 to S$800

Sadly, our pets getting sick is an unavoidable reality. Medical emergencies can be quite costly, so it’s best to be prepared. On average, emergency exams cost S$150 to S$800. It can even climb up to a higher price, depending on the case and procedure needed. Building an emergency fund allows you to give the best care in case of any unexpected health issue.


Relocating pets in Singapore involves careful planning for a smooth transition for your pets. The average cost is around S$4000, permits and airfare included. Factors such as the size of the pet, the destination, and the level of assistance required can affect your final total. Budget for these expenses and research well before making the big move!

The Real Reward
Pets are always a welcome addition to the family. And while they come with their fair share of costs, the joy and companionship they generously give makes it all worth it. The time we spend together, the memories we make with them, is a constant reminder that love is truly beyond any price.

Pets are not gifts. They are a lifetime commitment.

As we gear up for Christmas festivities, the idea of handing over a bundle of fur might sound like a holly jolly idea. But gifting a pet is no fleeting fancy, it’s a commitment that goes far beyond merry celebrations.

It might be tempting to surprise someone, especially kids, with a kitten or bunny adorned with a bow. But keep in mind that pets are not accessories or decorations. They’re alive, with unique personalities, and they require time and affection. They are not temporary sources of joy but lifelong companions that deserve thoughtful consideration before bringing them into a new home.

When you buy on impulse or give a pet to an unknowing person, they may not be ready to handle the responsibilities that come with it. Even though receiving a gift might seem “free” at first, taking care of pets can be expensive over their lifetime. There needs to be a budget allotted just for them. From vet visits to toys, pets certainly know how to run up a tab!

Plus, the holiday season is not such an easy time for pets. Big crowds at family gatherings can be a source of stress for them. Introducing a pet to a new home with festivities happening around is overwhelming enough. There’s just too many distractions and new pets require a lot of care. They need time to settle in their new surroundings, preferably without the hustle and bustle of socialising.

Rather than surprising your family or friend with a pet out of nowhere, it’s better to talk to them about it first. Committing to a pet is a lifelong promise, best made personally and not on behalf of another. Welcoming a pet into the family is a deeply personal experience. It’s ideal to approach this with careful planning and with the recipients involved!

When the festive cheer fades away

Once the initial excitement of having a new pet wears off, it’s the commitment that keeps the bond going strong between pets and their humans. Feeding, cleaning up, and the occasional mess stops being a hassle and turns into these acts of love and responsibility. Sadly, this is not always the case.

Some enjoy having a pet only for a short period of time. After a while, they abandon it by giving it away or leaving it at a shelter. Don’t add to these dreadful statistics! Abandoned pets flood animal shelters, stretching their capacity and resources. This puts a huge strain on their system, making it challenging to help other animals in need.

Having pets is a commitment to their well-being, happiness, and care for their lifetime. It’s a joy to come home to wagging tails, but let’s not forget this also means responsibilities that last even after the festivities are over.

Our furry friends deserve nothing less. They are not gifts, and they deserve love, family, and a forever home.

Why Our Freeze-Dried Leads the Pack

Freeze-dried has quickly become a favourite among the different kinds of dog food. It’s the top choice and a safer, more convenient alternative to serving raw meat. It’s shelf-stable, retains most flavour, colour, texture, and nutritional value.

Not all freeze-dried recipes are made equal.

Freeze-drying is a method of preserving food by removing its moisture content. But this process depletes water soluble vitamins, like Vitamin B. As water is taken out during the drying process, it can potentially lead to the loss of Vitamin B.

Most freeze-dried are fortified with a few of the Vitamin B but none of them have the full suite of Vitamin B like Boneve Freeze-Dried Raw Prey.

The first freeze-dried fortified with complete B-vitamins

Boneve Freeze-Dried Raw Prey has all 8 types of B vitamins. This addition is important to your dog’s health as they cannot produce this essential vitamin on their own. Vitamin B is crucial for maintaining health and overall wellness as it performs several important functions in the body. Here is a breakdown of each type of vitamin B and what it can do for your dog’s health:

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) – vital for muscle development and maintaining healthy weight
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – supports a healthy digestive system
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – provides essential nutrients to support joint health Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – essential for liver health and eyesight
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – essential for liver health and eyesight
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) – supports a robust immune system
  • Vitamin B7 (Biotin) – contributes to healthy skin and coat
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate) – increases red blood cell production in the bone marrow to support heart health
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) – aids in cognitive and neurological functions

For your dogs, Vitamin B is like their little helper making sure everything from head to tail are working smoothly.

Complete and balanced with highest meat content

Packed with 98.8% meat, organs, and bones, our freeze-dried recipes mirror your dog’s natural diet and what they might eat in the wild. The food is in their most natural state, making it easy for dogs to absorb the vital nutrients they need for optimal health.

Freeze-Dried Raw Prey is complete, balanced, and exceeds AAFCO standards to give what your dogs need at every stage of life.

Ground bones for safe feeding

No need to worry about your dogs choking on bones, we’ve ground everything into a fine powder. While the texture is different, the nutritional value remains the same. It’s packed with minerals, amino acids, protein, Vitamin B12, and collagen. All the nutrients and benefits without bones or chunks for your peace of mind.

Ethically sourced ingredients

We take pride in the way we source our ingredients. Our cows, lambs, and chickens from New Zealand are ethically raised with humane standards. And when it comes to our fish, we only go for wild-caught, straight from certified fisheries. All our ingredients are non-GMO, free of antibiotics and additional growth hormones. With boneve, you’re sure everything on your dog’s bowl is as good for them as it is for the planet.

Adding freeze-dried to your dog’s diet brings heaps of benefits for their health. Always remember to slowly introduce new food to avoid tummy troubles, and to chat with your vet for guidance.

Our freeze-dried recipes are made with your dogs in mind, ensuring every bite is the absolute best. With Freeze-Dried Raw Prey, we promise a meal that brings joy, health, and satisfaction—the boneve way.

Order a sample of Freeze-dried Raw Prey for your dogs here.

When Allergies Aren’t Allergies: The Zinc Connection

Is your dog incessantly scratching and gnawing their skin? It’s easy to chalk it up to allergies but it could be something else entirely. One such common issue is zinc deficiency, and it’s often mistaken for allergies.

Zinc is the skin’s best friend. It’s essential for forming new skin cells and repairing damaged tissue. A deficiency can lead to a range of health issues for your dogs, especially affecting their skin. This condition is known as Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis. It’s a sneaky culprit that usually hides in plain sight.

Your pup’s scratching and itching might mean they’re low in zinc. Let’s decode what it means, its most common symptoms, and how to differentiate it from pesky allergies.

What is Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis?

Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis or Canine Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis (CZRD), is a skin problem that can affect dogs when they don’t get enough zinc in their diet. Sometimes it’s also because some have an impaired ability to absorb and utilise zinc from their food. This can manifest through an array of skin and coat problems, impacting their overall well-being.

There are 3 types of Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis. Type 1 usually happens in dogs when their guts struggle to soak up zinc. It’s common in certain breeds, like the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Malamute.

Type 2 is caused by dietary issues and mostly affects gigantic breeds. Diets that are supplemented or high in phytates, phosphorus, or calcium inhibits the body’s ability to absorb zinc.

Type 3 or Generic Food Disease stems from your dog’s diet. When dogs eat food that’s low on zinc, not meeting the recommended minimum.

Zinc deficiency can be addressed through a nutritious diet, which not only provides essential nourishment but also serves as a defence against potential skin problems. A complete diet like boneve dry dog food and our latest freeze-dried raw are fortified with zinc to support the maintenance of healthy skin, and reduce the likelihood of allergies.

Common symptoms

Figuring out whether it’s allergies or Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis can be a bit tricky. They both share some similar symptoms, after all. But don’t worry, here’s how you can tell them apart.

Dry, flaky skin
Because zinc plays a huge role in keeping skin healthy, lack of it makes the skin dry, flaky, and itchy.

Scruffy, dull fur
No more soft and shiny fur. Your dog’s coat could turn coarse and thin, and they’ll shed more than usual.

Hair loss
Especially around the eyes, snout, and paws. This can result in patchy or uneven hair growth.

Crusty, scaly spots
Some dogs end up with these odd, crusty spots on their skin. They’re usually more noticeable on the face and paws.

Red, irritated skin
The skin can get all red and angry, with some areas being really uncomfortable. Sometimes, this can even cause infections from nasty bacteria or fungi.

Sores and Ulcers
In really bad cases, dogs might develop painful sores and ulcers on their skin, especially in places that rub or press against things a lot. Ouch!

Bumps (Pustules and papules)
It’s the little raised bumps on the skin. Some are filled with yucky pus, like doggy pimples, while others are just hard, like tiny skin speed bumps.

Thick paw pads
The paw pads can get all thick and grow bigger than they should. That’s not comfy for the dog at all!

In a nutshell, Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis usually presents with skin lesions and other symptoms, while allergies manifest as itching, redness, ear infections, sneezing, watery eyes, and gastrointestinal problems.

Ensuring your pets receive the appropriate levels of this vital mineral is paramount for their health and happiness. Whether it’s for strong immunity, a shiny coat, or overall vitality, zinc plays a crucial role.

Don’t forget to chat with your vet! They can figure out just how much zinc your pet’s need and make sure their diet is spot on. That way, you can keep skin worries at bay and have a happy, healthy furry pal.

Love in Every Paw Print: The Healing Power of Pets in Our Lives

If you feel calmer and happier around your four-legged friend, you’re not alone. Many studies have shown that our pets can provide more than just snuggles and kisses. They actually do wonders to our mental health.

This World Mental Health Day, we shine the light on the furry members of our family. They’re always there for us, and we often feel they know when we’re feeling sad or upset. When we’re overwhelmed and having a rough time, they give us extra love and compassion. 

The therapeutic power of the human-bond is a deep connection that knows no bounds. We become each others’ confidant, listener, and most loyal friend. We’re pleased to share stories that beautifully illustrate how sometimes the most profound healing can come from four-legged friends.

Heximilian’s Pawrent 

“It’s been a rough year. Leaving a relationship of 9 years wasn’t easy for me or the boys. I had to reconfigure from what I was used to for 9 years, on top of juggling a career change and the launch of a side business for pet tags. I did not want to sacrifice the boys’ level of care no matter the situation. I was alone, I was tired, I wanted to scream. I suddenly had no time for myself, I couldn’t even stop to hear myself think, I felt like I was going through a mental breakdown. There wasn’t and still isn’t a day where I could admit that I needed to throw in the towel because I am not functioning right.”

“I am still struggling even after months. But though I no longer have a partner to come home to, I still had the boys who were so patient with their change of routine. Holding Hex when I can’t take it anymore and need to catch a break also helped me a lot. I lost a partner, and the boys lost a parent. Taking care of three boys as one person isn’t easy, but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it this far without them giving me the drive and comfort, as well as my three good friends from within the cat community.”

Princess’s Pawrent

“At the start of the covid pandemic and just before lockdown, I was already suffering from anxiety and depression as we were previously living in quite a depressing city. A colleague who knew about my mental health recommended getting a cat to keep me company at home, and showed me videos of Princess (then Tallulah) at the shelter. Talking to my therapist, we agreed that adopting a cat will definitely help with my mental well-being, but only if I was sure I could properly care for her and not cause additional stress and anxiety for myself. I met Princess and immediately fell in love.”

“Having Princess at home helped establish a routine both for me and her. Feeding, playtime, etc, even down to cleaning her litter box. She gave me purpose – to give her the best life she could have. Throughout lockdown, I never experienced cabin fever like I thought I would because I had Princess around all the time. I knew friends who were desperate to go out, but I just wanted to stay in and spend time with my baby girl.”

These are just a few of the countless stories on how our furry friends can give inspiration, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose. And in the hustle and bustle of life, it’s quite easy to forget that our furry companions are not just pets. In their presence, we have peace and a refuge from the battles we silently face. 

Our furry friends are truly the unsung heroes of our lives, giving love and comfort that words alone could never express. They remind us that healing happens in many forms. And that sometimes, it comes in four paws, wrapped in fur, and filled with boundless affection.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, please do not hesitate to seek help from a qualified mental health professional or a trusted healthcare provider. There is hope, support, and healing waiting for you.

5 Ways To Foster the Bond Between You and Your Dog

September is not just about the warm hues, changing seasons, or the start of all things fall. It’s also Responsible Dog Ownership Month! A great time to reflect on being pet parents and the bond we have with our four-legged pals.

Dogs are unmatched in their devotion, loyalty, and friendship. From their unconditional love to their ability to sense when we’re happy or sad, they make our lives better in countless forms. Taking responsibility and learning new ways to grow as a pet parent can strengthen the bond between you and your dog.  

We know you have the basics of responsible parenting down pat. So, we’re sharing ways to foster the bond and make your connection with your dogs even stronger. And the great part is, these are easy things you can do every day.


Take daily walks, play fetch, or let them run

Since dogs are usually bursting with energy, taking them on walks is a great way to help them release it. Even if you don’t have an active dog, time outdoors is still important. This keeps them mentally and physically fit. Plus, it’s a good bonding experience while burning some extra calories too.

Make grooming a pleasant experience

Some dogs may not enjoy bath time but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a good splashy time. Make grooming fun by using treats, toys, and positive reinforcement. Keep sessions short and upbeat to make your dog comfortable. With patience and creativity, grooming can become a joyful shared activity that strengthens your connection even more.

Visit the dog park or set playdates

As much as our dogs love us, they need to spend time with other dogs too. Playdates and visits to dog parks allow dogs to socialise with their peers. This helps improve their social skills and reduce behaviour issues stemming from isolation.

Go for interactive toys

Give their brains a workout with toys that will keep them entertained and have their neurons firing. To avoid destructive behaviours brought on by excess energy and boredom, try challenging your buddy with puzzles and having them work for treats. 

You can also hide treats around the house. The hunt can be a fun activity for the whole family. Try hiding our air-dried treats for a tail-wagging good time.

Make sure their diet is healthy and nourishing

While dogs are generally not finicky about food, it’s still important to give them the highest quality nutrition. A diet that’s tailored to their age, size, and specific needs ensures optimal health for them. See our line of dog food for nutrition that’s all natural and made only with ingredients your dog needs to live their best life.

The love we have for our dogs goes beyond providing food and shelter. When we understand their needs, we make sure they’re happy and healthy overall. The extra love and care can actually increase their life expectancy. A little cuddling and a whole lot of love can go a long way! 

There are all sorts of things you can do to enrich your dog’s life even after Responsible Dog Ownership Month. Whatever chosen activity, your dog will surely relish every moment in your company.

Responsible Pet Ownership as Singapore Explores Cats in HDB Flats

Big changes are on the horizon as Singapore considers allowing cats in Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats. This new development signifies a progressive shift, recognising the bond between pet parents and their feline companions.

The ban on cats remains in place to this day. This decision is based on concerns about cats freely wandering around. Some get a bit uneasy around them, and others claim that cats relieve themselves in public places as a result of inadequate care from their owners. Additionally, their meowing are said to be bothersome to some. But a lot of these concerns can be easily managed with responsible cat ownership.

Things are changing, and living with cats might not be too far away in the future. And with July being Lost Pet Prevention month, it’s the perfect time to reflect on responsible pet parenting. As HDB considers allowing cats in homes, here’s what to remember to keep your feline companions safe, sound, and healthy.


A simple yet effective way to ensure the safety of your feline friend. With a tiny identification chip, pet parents provide a permanent link between themselves and their beloved pets. In the unfortunate event that a cat goes missing, microchipping significantly increases the chances of a joyful reunion. Don’t forget to update or register your microchip with AVS here.

No free roaming

Allowing cats to roam freely poses numerous risks to their safety. Cats can face dangers like traffic accidents, encounters with aggressive animals, exposure to diseases, and even getting lost. By keeping cats indoors or providing them with a safe, enclosed outdoor space, we ensure their protection while still allowing them to enjoy in a controlled environment.

Spaying and neutering

These measures not only help avoid unplanned litter but also offer a range of health advantages for cats. By spaying female cats and neutering male cats, we can reduce the chances of certain cancers and behavioural issues. This also helps minimise caterwauling, particularly when they are in heat, which is one of the reasons why neighbours might complain.  Spaying and neutering plays a vital role in managing the population of stray cats, leading to a healthier and more balanced community.

Mesh windows and balcony 

Create a secure environment by installing meshes or barriers. This nifty solution prevents those accidental falls, keeps them away from outdoor hazards, and even reduces the chance of a sneaky escape. This way, your cats can bask in the fresh air and sunlight while you kick back and relax, knowing they’re well-protected.

Use carriers and leashes

When taking your cats outside, it’s essential to use safe carriers, crates, or leashes. These can help them feel secure, cosy, and most importantly, they prevent any escape attempts or accidents. Just remember, it’s all about introducing them gradually and making it a positive experience, so your cats can have a blast too.

As Lost Pet Prevention month approaches, and as Singapore considers cats in HDB flats, it’s important to prioritise the safety and well-being of our feline companions. These efforts help them keep safe and happy in our homes. Let’s take this opportunity to raise awareness about responsible pet ownership and keep our cats safe, whether indoors or out

Strict or Spoiled: The Pet Parenting Sweet Spot We Could All Practice

Are you the pet parent who spoils to no end, or do you have strict rules your pal knows not to cross? Do you have hypoallergenic dogs and cats that are too precious and a challenge to manage? Parenting our furry friends is no easy feat and certainly not a one-size fits all endeavor. Pets come with different personalities, needs, and it’s up to us to figure out what makes them tick. 

Some with special conditions and sensitivities are bound to get stricter treatment while generally healthy pets can get more gentle handling. Are you strict or sweet? Which is the best approach for our pets? 

Either way, both parenting styles can lead to guilt. Are you being too harsh that they may not be living their best life? Or are you being too carefree and neglecting proper nutrition? Is there a sweet spot where you can provide the best in everything?

Why some pet parents think too strict will do the trick

As important members of the family, furrents only want the best for their pets. This stems from unconditional love and the desire to never overlook anything that could bring discomfort, pain, or unease to their beloved pal. Pet food allergies, diseases caught outdoors or from other animals, and nutritional imbalance from too many treats are all issues that caregivers are wary of. 

This structured and disciplined system is quite justifiable since some pets do have more intolerances and health concerns than others. The challenge only arises when fur parents go overboard. This is when they get too fussy and nitpicky, implementing strict diet regimens feeding only dry food for hypoallergenic dogs and cats, limited outdoor time, and stern rules when it comes to treats and rewards. This usually takes the fun out of the pet-owner bond, which could be lonely and tyrannical for the pet and stressful and exhausting for the pet owner. 

Why some furrents equate leniency as the ultimate proof of love

At the other end of the spectrum are the permissive furrents. Those who overindulge their pals with no limits and whose ultimate goal is to make their pets happy. Their love language is generosity, never wanting their fur babies to feel neglected or unloved. They constantly shower them with dry food, treats, and activities. 

There is generally nothing wrong with being carefree and indulging with pets, but most of the time, this type of approach entails some misinformed takes on pet care. Beliefs like ‘the fatter the better’ or indoor pets don’t require preventive care. This could be dangerous and may lead to illnesses that are too late to treat. A lifetime of regrets that the caretakers will have to carry.

The secret is finding the perfect balance

There is no exact formula to the perfect pet parenting style but finding the right balance of strictness and sweetness that suits our pal’s specific needs is enough. One way to determine this ideal combination is by familiarizing ourselves with our fur baby’s health history, hypersensitivities, and dietary requirements based on their breed or bloodline. This knowledge will enable us to provide better and informed nurturing choices along with a more streamlined diet, rewards, and recreation habits.

Taking time to research higher-quality nourishment options is always great practice. What we’re used to giving our pal may not always be the right one for them, so we should be open to change. Go for tried and tested hypoallergenic dogs and cats food that’s made with the best ingredients – free-range, grass-fed, fresh, hormone and antibiotic-free meat, cooked in small batches, and brimming benefits. 

As pet parents, we should not let our emotions get in the way. We should address our pet’s needs without being too obsessed with instant results or too laid back by letting them heal on their own. Our fur friend’s peak wellness needs time and effort to develop. To achieve this, we need to be patient, calm, and objective. When in doubt, always seek professional help. 

Lastly, we should never take away the fun in the pet-furrent relationship. Just because we’re being cautious does not mean our pal doesn’t deserve goodies from time to time. What’s on the treats shelf may not always be good for them so we should make sure that our little rewards are not only delicious but also functional – air-dried treats that they would enjoy munching on whether we’re training or just feeling a little bit generous. 

Investing in the optimal amount of indulgence and caution where our pal’s nutrition and happiness are taken care of may sound like a challenging task. But once we’ve found that sweet spot, the guilt will melt away and the best pet parenting reward one could ever want would follow: peace of mind.  

cute corgi dog and fluffy cat are sitting on a sunny summer day in a meadow

Jump-start your journey to better pet parenting with earthmade by Boneve’s dry food for cats and dry food for dogs. Made with 100% fresh ingredients from New Zealand and prepared and cooked artisanally for optimum quality and nutrition. Natural pet food that suits your pal’s needs.

The Whys and Whats of Glucosamine

We don’t like to discuss it, but our pets age. Part and parcel of aging are achy and creaky joints.

When it comes to fighting the effects of aging in joints, glucosamine is the ingredient we search for. A mouthful to say but an important nutrient to remember because it plays a significant part in joint health and the mobility of your pets.

But what makes glucosamine so great for pets? Here’s an easy guide on what you need to know about glucosamine and why it makes your pet’s joints stronger and healthier.

What is glucosamine?

Glucosamine is a compound composed of the amino acid ‘glutamine’ and the sugar ‘glucose.’ It’s a substance that helps in the formation and repair of cartilage in your pet’s joints.

You can find glucosamine in pet food, treats, and supplements everywhere. Natural sources include the shells of crustaceans like oysters, mussels, and crab.

Another natural cartilage building block is chondroitin. It increases water retention and shock absorption in your pet’s joints. When it comes to making and keeping healthy joints, glucosamine and chondroitin are the ultimate power couple. They work together to lessen the feeling of pain and increase resistance to delay joint tissue deterioration.

Why is glucosamine necessary for cats and dogs?

While glucosamine is naturally produced by the body, our pets produce less as they age. This makes it harder for their bodies to rebuild cartilage, which is important for healthy, pain-free movement. Adding glucosamine-rich foods or a glucosamine supplement to your pet’s diet can give their joints the extra protection they need to stay healthy and mobile. This is especially true when glucosamine is combined with chondroitin.

What can glucosamine do?

Delay the development of joint deterioration

Glucosamine in your pet’s diet will replenish the cartilage-building functionality their body loses with time. Pets can maintain their youthful vigour and stay lively, bouncy, and carefree with healthy levels of glucosamine.

Boosts mobility and range of motion

Glucosamine relieves joint pain, so your pets can jump, prance, and roll without resistance or discomfort.

Reduces joint and/or arthritic discomfort 

Because glucosamine helps reduce inflammation, their limbs will feel less stiff and sore.

Aids in recovery from joint surgery or injury

Glucosamine supplements can improve your pet’s natural glucosamine production, allowing  joints to heal more quickly and thoroughly.

Enhances mood, energy, and quality of life

If your pet is becoming more lethargic as they get older, giving them a diet rich in glucosamine may help them feel less achy and more flexible. This may help them regain their joie de vivre! Their quality of life will also improve if they have the energy to take longer walks and spend more time outdoors.

Give your pets a glucosamine boost with our wide range of dry food for cats and dogs. Brimming with tasty protein and essential nutrients to keep your pets in peak form.

Click here to order a sample today!

The Label That Matters: What Pet Parents Should Look For In Pet Food

We are what we eat. The same goes for your pet cat or dog–what they eat can determine their overall health, be it their gut health or their physical and mental wellbeing.

As such, choosing the pet food he’ll have for his everyday meals needs a lot of research and planning. For paw parents, this may be a daunting task. What if I choose the wrong type of pet food? What if my pet baby doesn’t like it? What if it doesn’t have the best nutrients that he needs, especially for growing fur babies?

These questions can be answered by a simple but discerning look at one of the most important aspects of pet food: the label. There can be a lot of difference between knowing what you’re looking for and just choosing a brand on the fly.

Here are a few key things you should remember the next time you go grocery shopping for your fur baby’s dietary needs.

Don’t Decide Based On The Cover

As with anything we shop for, it’s easy to fall prey to how a certain product is marketed. Presentation is everything, even when it comes to the pet food that we purchase. From cute pets on the covers to fresh ingredients appetisingly arranged, these are all elements that help to entice you as the fur parent. After all, we just want what’s best for our dogs and cats.

However, some brands can use the packaging as a way to divert attention from the things that matter. The way certain words are phrased or the way the ingredients are enumerated in the packaging all provide a clue to what’s really in the kibble bag. That’s why it pays to build your label lingo.

Know The Different Meats


When it comes to ingredients, one of the most important ones that you want to consider is the protein content. Whether it’s for cats and dogs, protein is a crucial part of their daily needs. That’s because there are some amino acids that your pet cannot produce on his own.

But not all proteins are made equal. Some are high in nutrients while others merely add taste or even filling to the kibble or the canned food. Experts note that, when buying dog or cat food, you need to have some knowledge about protein types, especially if your pet suffers from intolerance to some proteins.

Animal digest

Perhaps the lowest-grade protein type on the list, animal digest may be an ingredient to avoid as it is usually added in the most generic pet food brands or as flavour for some premium ones.

Animal digest is the product of the chemical breakdown of animal tissue, which produces a concentration of gelatinous peptide. However, only in very rare cases is the meat fresh and free from chemical and waste contaminants. It’s best to stick to dog and cat food that clearly outlines the state of meat that was added into the mix.

Meat by-products

Going up the food chain of meat products, you may encounter meat or animal by-products. While they typically include meat that can be safely consumed, they tend to include blood, bone and fatty tissue–not exactly the most premium of ingredients.

Meat meals

This meat type sits in the most ambiguous categories of all. Some meat meals have proper nutrients, particularly due to the meat parts used. However, given the extensive processing that some meat meals undergo, some kinds can be difficult to classify altogether.

The healthier meat meals consist of animal organs, muscle, and fat. Poultry meals, sourced from different kinds of poultry, may also contain some bone traces. As long as these meat and poultry sources come from legitimate USDA-inspected and passed animal sources, the meat meals may have a more nutrient-dense makeup.


For the best source with no compromises, always trust in “meat” sources for your furry pet. Meat sources means these are made from muscle meat, skin, and bone of the animal that is named on the label.

The only differences that you may anticipate is in the ratio of muscle meat to skin and bone. This may vary from brand to brand, but as a whole, it is the safest option for both cats and dogs.

Need to be assured of the right meat for your pet? Go with brands that opt to use fresh ingredients and go with single-source protein for their kibble. Brands like earthmade by Boneve source its meat from the freshest farms in New Zealand, so you know exactly where your meat comes from.

In fact, New Zealand is known for being a non-GMO country. Under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, manufacturers of products including pet food cannot make use of ingredients that are not naturally made–not even those that have been genetically engineered. This is an important clause that earthmade by Boneve has incorporated into its philosophy and operations.

When you go for single-source protein, you know that when you buy “beef” then your pet will definitely only eat beef protein. This is a big plus for pets with intolerance to different proteins–no more trial and error!

A Cautious Note: “Dinner”

If you’ve ever seen the word “dinner” in dog or cat food, you may have assumed that this meant a complete meal that your pet can enjoy. However, this is exactly where you should pay the most attention.

Some brands may use a variant of the name. This includes “platter,” “formula,” or even “entree.” All of them ideally mean the same thing: this dinner formula only comprises 25% proportion of protein found in the pet food. As an example, if you buy beef dinner for your pet dog, there’s a big chance that the beef portions in the formula is only a fourth of the entire ratio. The pet food contains more of the other ingredients than the meat protein you were going for.

How do you make sure about the meat? Check the label and see the order in which the ingredients are laid out. Brands that follow The Association of American Feed Control Officials’ (AAFCO) recommended labelling practices will likely list the ingredients from the most proportions to the smallest servings per ingredient.

The 100%, 95%, and 25% Rule


More than just what a pet food manufacturer offers, AAFCO actually has specific rules when packaging and marketing pet food. This protects pet owners, so that they know exactly what they are getting with each bag. So what are these three major rules?

100% rule

Is it actually possible to give your pooch or feline friend 100% of the ingredient on the label? Using “100%” can be a major selling point, but manufacturers need to adhere to a number of prerequisites.

For starters, 100% should mean exactly what it says–that the listed ingredients are the only inclusions in the pet food. Manufacturers are also only allowed to label it as “100%” if the kibble bag contains just one or two ingredients, minus water.

So if you see a brand that just says “Lamb dog food” note that it may not be 100% just lamb. The key here is to also look at just how much each ingredient is in relation to all the other ingredients on the label.

95% rule

The ratio of how much a specific ingredient matters a lot–and that should reflect in the packaging. Thus, even if you can’t be too sure that “chicken cat food” actually has 100%, it’s still required for chicken to comprise 95% of the entire product.

25% rule

Since there are some pet food that tend to make use of terms like “formula” or “dinner” in their packaging, you should note that the protein source mentioned in their label will likely only comprise 25% of the entire weight of the kibble bag.

This is where you need to exercise more caution; 25% is already quite low in terms of the percentage of how much meat is in the bag. Sometimes, fillers, like by-products or even some grain can be included–so be discerning at all times!

Part of reading the label also means knowing which fillers tend to bring more harm than good. A lot of pet food brands still resort to palm oil as a way filler ingredient–and it has been incorporated as propylene glycol or even pure palm oil in an attempt to shift gears towards supposed wellness.

Opt for more natural and healthier alternatives, such as fish-derived fatty acids that are loaded with Omega 3 and 6. Considering earthmade by Boneve’s naturally sourced ingredients like cold-water mackerel, each kibble bag is brimming with healthy fatty acids that are perfect for management of certain ailments like inflammation.

Grain vs Grain-free: Does It Matter?

What is grain?

Some types of grain provide carbohydrate, fat, and antioxidants. The last one is important for developing cats and dogs. But the good thing is you can also get antioxidants from brands that add these as main ingredients to their kibble.

Try this!

earthmade by Boneve’s Cage-free Chicken Grain-free Cat Food features antioxidants like rosehip, manuka honey, and kiwi–so you get the benefits without the fatty aspects of grain.

Bottomline: A trusted source

It pays to stick with a trusted brand, because you can be sure of their process, from source to stocks.

Preservatives–Yay or Nay?

While it can’t be denied that natural is best, the likes of dry kibble for both cats and dogs requires some additional preservatives to make them last longer. 

Still, just like with ingredients, some preservatives are better than others, namely natural and artificial preservatives. The latter may carry more risk, even though they are commonly found in more affordable pet food options. According to some experts, the top synthetic preservatives in both dog and cat food include butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and propylene glycol. 

Look for dog and cat food brands with natural preservatives like vitamin C, and vitamin E. These add-ons not only keep your kibble safe for longer in your cupboard–they keep your furry pals safe, too!

Check out New Zealand Mackerel Dog Food and Free-range Grass-fed Beef Grain-free Cat Food earthmade by Boneve. Both of these only feature vitamins C and E supplement and rosemary extract. Now there’s no need to worry about keeping the kibble for long.


Guaranteed Analysis: What’s there to analyse?

The nutrient section

Pet labels put all the nutritional value for protein, fibre, and fat in this section.

A cat’s nutritional needs

It’s common practice to have a minimum and maximum percentage for nutrients. For cats, the FDA has regulations for calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and linoleic acid.

Paw parent’s protection:

The AAFCO regulations dictate 78% of moisture is the maximum percentage for common pet food. However, there are exemptions, including those labelled “stew,” “sauce,” or “gravy” as they follow a different formulation.

By looking at the label, you can check if you get what you pay for with each kibble bag. For instance, brands like earthmade by Boneve list down the exact ingredients, so you know the inclusions–sauce, bits, and all!

Adding Lamb to Your Dog’s Diet

Some dogs are not picky eaters. They eat anything we put in their bowl (sometimes even anything we accidentally leave on the table or drop on the floor!). While our canine friends are not choosy, as pet parents, we still want to give them the best and a bit of variety in their diet.

Adding variety to our dog’s diet is not only important for their health but it also makes mealtimes more fun. Lamb is quickly becoming a favourite alternative—and for good reason!

You must be thinking, ‘can my dog eat lamb?’ Yes, dogs can eat lamb. As with most meats, lamb is not at all toxic to your dog; canines are omnivores well-equipped to digest freshly prepared meat. As always, consult your vet before making any changes in your dog’s diet.

Why add lamb to your dog’s diet

Aside from beef and chicken, lamb is a great way for dogs to get the protein, fats, and essential fatty acids they need. It helps maintain digestive health, keeps teeth healthy, coats shiny, and provides energy.

If you have a physically active dog, lamb is a healthy and tasty treat after a workout. Lamb is full of protein that agile dogs need to thrive. Carbohydrates are a good source of quick energy, but protein gives your dog the building blocks their body needs. Because the dog’s body cannot store protein like it can fat and other nutrients, this must be provided in their daily diet.

Lamb is also a terrific alternative if your dog is sensitive to certain foods. Allergies can be a tricky thing—you need to know how they develop to treat them. But in most cases, it’s mostly because of excessive or near-exclusive consumption of one type of meat. Eventually, dogs’ bodies process the protein in that meat as a ‘familiar protein,’ which may result in allergic reactions. A novel protein source might be necessary, such as lamb.

Although lamb is a high-protein source, it should never be served raw or undercooked. Drain the fat and cook it separately before giving it to your dog. Too much fat in your dog’s daily diet can lead to severe health issues like pancreatitis. It’s always best to keep portions to a manageable amount.

Lamb health benefits

Other than being a tasty protein, lamb is high in other essential nutrients that contribute to a well-balanced, healthy diet. Here are some additional nutritional advantages of lamb dog food:

  • Rich in omega fatty acids – lamb contains beneficial omega-3 and -6 acids. These fatty acids also help prevent inflammation and promote kidney and heart function. Omega fatty acids help dogs with arthritis and other long-term pain disorders. 
  • High in vitamins B12 and B3 vitamin B12 is essential for a healthy immune system, nervous system, and RBC formation while vitamin B3 promotes better digestion and energy production. 
  • Rich in iron and zinc – these minerals work by keeping the body’s functions in good shape, which makes it easier for your dog to fight off illnesses. Zinc is a crucial component of thyroid function and metabolism, while iron is vital for blood production, giving your dog the energy they need.

Getting the right nutrients makes a world of difference between sickness and good health. Add lamb to your dog’s diet by trying our Free-Range Grass-Fed Lamb adult dog food. We use a unique recipe that includes antioxidant-rich manuka honey and vitamin-rich rosehip, as well as glucosamine and chondroitin for bone health.Our grain-free pet food is made in New Zealand with locally procured, single-source protein, making it suitable for dogs with allergies.

Lamb has numerous health benefits for your dog. As a natural source of healthy fats, minerals, vitamins, and acids, lamb is a superior choice—and the best part is that it is a flavour that dogs enjoy!

Less Is More: The Beauty of Small Batches

‘Small batch’ is the emblem we see on several products in our grocery aisles that has now made its way to our pet’s food bowls.

You may have stumbled upon the term while searching for quality pet food or a fellow paw parent may have recommended it. Whatever the case, pet food made in small batches is a promising new norm—it’s healthy and nutrient-dense, which means it meets our pets’ nutritional needs, adult or otherwise.

While it’s easy to chalk up a small batch as a trend, it’s more than just a buzzword or a fad. It’s here to stay (and for a long time). But what is it, and why does it matter?

What Is Small Batch?

Small batch is a more ethical approach to crafting high-quality pet food, where care and attention to detail influence the quality of the final product. Small batch production combines traditional and modern techniques, resulting in fewer but higher quality products.

Small-batch producers make the conscious decision to create lower quantities rather than sacrifice quality to ramp up output.

earthmade by Boneve Small-batch Difference

Here in earthmade by Boneve, we craft in small batches and inspect each pack to make sure it meets our standards. It’s well-balanced nutrition combined with 100% locally sourced, grain-free, hypoallergenic, and limited-ingredient components selected to work together for pet diets. Plus, we use only the best quality protein sources (no antibiotics or hormones). All are GMO-free.

Combined with our well-thought-out recipes, the result is natural pet food that does not sacrifice nutritional balance.

The earthmade by Boneve difference is characterised by:

  • Quality – crafting in small quantities allows for more careful cooking and better production, resulting in a fresh, high-quality product.


  • Clean ingredients – the quality of ingredients is a huge factor in feeding our pets. Pet food made in small batches uses carefully chosen, whole ingredients that meet your pet’s dietary requirements for optimal health. Fresh and natural pet food eliminates the need for harmful additives, lowering your pet’s chances of developing or triggering a food allergy.


  • Better palatability – Small batch production often means that the products are always naturally harvested, so they taste better and are ideal even for the pickiest of eaters.


  • Additive-free –  Our products are in their purest, most natural form because there are absolutely zero chemical additives or artificial extenders. These are unnecessary fillers since pet food aren’t supposed to sit on a shelf for years.


  • Purity – Recalls and contamination in pet food are becoming increasingly common, making the quality of ingredients even more of a worry. Small batches are less likely to be contaminated because they contain ingredients from fewer sources.

We do not believe in minimising expenses, cutting corners, or changing our methods. Our products stay true to our recipes, which embody our ‘less is more’ culture. Choosing our small batch of pet food means healthier, more natural, and more sustainable nourishment for your pets.

With small batch, the process is just as important as the ingredients. Because our focus is on quality, our small batch pet food not only makes our dogs and cats enjoy chow time a bit more, but they also gain more substantial nutritional and health benefits.

Browse our products and see the earthmade difference here.

Why Chicken Fat?

Fat has a bad rep; we often look elsewhere when we find it on food. But fat is an essential component of a well-balanced diet; an inadequate balance of good fats in our dog’s diet results in dry, itchy skin, dull coat, weakened immune system, and vulnerability to other health problems.

One alternative is chicken fat. It’s a highly digestible source of animal fat with a high linoleic (omega-6) acid content. Chicken fat not only provides a more natural source of omega-3 fatty acids but it also makes food more appetising for our dogs. It’s a natural animal fat source that provides your pet with essential fatty acids that they can’t produce on their own but are vital for proper growth and development. Fats also help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. Vitamin D, in particular, helps the body take in calcium and keep your dog’s bones healthy and strong.

Chicken fat can be part of a healthy diet for your dog. But, as always, the key is moderation and making sure that your protein, carbs, and fat are all in the right amounts.

In case your dog is allergic to chicken, this means they are actually allergic to the protein found in chicken meat rather than chicken as a whole. And because chicken fat has no chicken protein, it’s less likely to provoke your dog’s immune system.

Dog food with fats already in them is the best and wholesome option, like earthmade by Boneve grain-free dry food. It’s a great choice for growing dogs and sensitive dogs alike, packed with tasty protein, iron, essential nutrients, novel ingredients, and chicken fat. Our chicken fat is easily digestible, so dogs can quickly turn it into energy. 

If you reside in a chilly climate, your dogs will require extra energy to stay warm. A higher fat diet can help while also providing them with the stamina necessary to adapt to the cold and wind.

As always, make the change gradually when introducing a new diet to your dog. If you have concerns about your dog’s allergies, please consult your veterinarian before selecting a new dog food or switching from an existing one. Your veterinarian can go over the ingredients and assist you in choosing the best food for your dog.

Try a sample of our grain-free dry food here.

Can Cats Eat Beef? Here’s What You Need to Know

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need a hefty amount of protein to be healthy. They can eat meat like chicken, fish meat like tuna, salmon, and sardine. But this also begs the question, ‘Can cats eat beef?’

It’s no surprise if your cat turns up their nose at even the most decadent of food. So we’re always on the lookout for alternatives that aren’t just delicious but nutritious as well. The thought may have crossed your mind to let your finicky friend try beef, but you’re unsure if they can eat it or if it’s actually safe for them.

Can cats eat beef?

The simple and straight answer is, yes, your cat can eat beef. It’s nutritious and an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It will even help give their muscles and soft tissues the building blocks they need to repair and stay healthy. Most cats like to eat beef, so they are likely to enjoy some every now and then.

As with any new food, some cats may get a reaction on the first try. Start with a small amount. If your cat enjoys it and there are no ill effects, you can continue to include beef in their diet.

A reasonable suggestion would be to feed them beef once or twice a week. This way, you can be sure that your cat’s getting everything they need while also enjoying a little variety. When in doubt, talk to your veterinarian to help create a diet designed specifically for your cat’s needs.

Health benefits of beef

Beef is also rich in minerals like iron, zinc, manganese, and selenium, which are all important for health and nourishment. Beef is also a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and B complex vitamins.


It’s well-known that cats require adequate taurine intake, and beef liver is a wonderful source. Feeding your cat beef liver will keep them strong and healthy while meeting their taurine needs.

Can cats eat raw beef?

There’s a significant debate on whether or not a raw diet is advisable for cats.

Nutrition-wise, raw beef brings some benefits to your cat’s health. Raw beef is high in protein, nutrition, and moisture. It’s suitable for cats who don’t like to drink water.

However, we have to be cautious of the meat’s source, especially its quality and handling process (particularly salmonella). Cats can get sick because of parasites and bacteria living in raw meat. It’s possible for cats to pass this on to humans, spreading bacteria around the house.

Raw beef can pose a threat to your cat’s health. Always get ingredients from safe and reliable sources to ensure food safety. Our cats’ ancestors have grown in the wild, and meat from prey has always been their primary diet. But our domesticated felines have come a long way, so raw beef may be too much for their sensitive stomachs to handle.

If you want to try feeding raw beef to your cat, reach out to an animal nutritionist. They can assist you in developing a complete and balanced diet for your cat that includes raw beef. They can also advise you on how to properly manage a raw diet.

The pros of beef for your cat

Beef comes with many benefits. The fatty acids found in meat improves a cat’s coat and gives it a healthy sheen. Chewing raw beef also aids in dental health, making teeth strong and sturdy.

Just be extra cautious as raw beef (or any kind of raw meat, for that matter) tends to come with bacteria. Some can be good for your cat, but most are not. Certain harmful bacteria, like salmonella, E. coli, and legionella, can pass from cats to humans, which can cause illness in both.

Also, if your cat accidentally ingested a piece of bone, it could lead to choking or internal injuries. This requires immediate attention and can sometimes need a surgical procedure to remove the bone.

To include beef in your cat’s diet without the risk of harmful bacteria, try earthmade Free-Range Grass-Fed Beef. Our beef is free-range and grass-fed, sustainably sourced from New Zealand. Our kibbles are also BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)-free. BSE is a transmissible and fatal neurodegenerative disease that affects cattle, which has never been detected in New Zealand.

It’s enriched with rosehip extract and high in antioxidants, vitamins A and E, and omega-3 fatty acids. It also has kiwi for vitamin C, which helps with hairball control. Glucosamine and chondroitin are also present for joint health. Manuka honey’s antibacterial properties can strengthen the immune system while also reducing gut inflammation. earthmade kibbles are suitable for all life stages too.

The verdict is beef can be safely fed to cats. Start in small quantities to give your cat time to adjust to their new food. This also gives you ample time to check for side effects that can cause health problems. As always, consult your vet to make sure beef is suitable for your cat.

Canine Fitness Month: Doable Indoor and Outdoor Exercises For Your Dog

Time to spring into action! April is Canine Fitness Month, and it’s the best time to grab your running shoes together with your furry best friend.

Our loyal companions need regular exercise for both their physical and mental health. Because dogs tend to become sedentary as they age, they can be prone to obesity, which can cause sore joints, diabetes, and more.

To combat a sedentary lifestyle, Canine Fitness Month encourages paw parents to take a step toward developing healthier habits with our four-legged family members. Regular exercise is crucial to your dog’s health, and it comes with a plethora of benefits, including keeping your dog’s joints and muscles healthy, shedding extra pounds, and working off the excess energy. Plus, it’s a great bonding time too! But before you start, check with your veterinarian to make sure your dog has a clean bill of health before exercising.

Now, time to stretch your legs! Here are some ways to help boost your dog’s activity level.


Walking around your neighbourhood is one of the best and simplest ways to start your dog’s road to physical fitness. Walking provides mental stimulation, physical exercise, and a chance to socialise. Like kids, dogs are curious and want to explore. If they are confined indoors for too long, they will get bored, which can sometimes lead to destructive behavior.  

Walking helps with proper weight and it’s a good outlet for pent-up energy. You can also consider walking as a training opportunity. Not all dogs are comfortable to walk on a leash, so this is a chance to teach your dog how to follow your lead. Don’t forget to bring treats and water for your dog and yourself!


Playing with your dogs is always fun. What we don’t often consider is that the benefits go well beyond just having fun. Aside from bonding with your dog, playtime can improve behaviour and relieve stress.

Adding in a little more playtime improves your dog’s overall mood (yours too). Spending time with your pup can have a calming effect, and some studies have shown that it can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Dogs with regular play are also less likely to develop problematic behaviour like excessive barking and chewing. When dogs get bored, they’ll find their own ways to entertain themselves—and that boredom often leads to chewed-up shoes and a couch. Keep your dogs active and engaged with regular playtime!


Hide-and-seek can boost your dog’s problem-solving abilities, stay calm when you are gone, and reinforce their recall skills (running back to you when called). It’s an exercise for both the dog’s body and brain because they’ll have to think and walk around to search for you.

Dogs have all the basic instincts for hide-and-seek. Teach your dog the rules, and you both can have fun indoors or out playing this beneficial game. Don’t forget to reward your dog with treats or a belly rub for being a good sport!

Take the stairs

Stair exercise may not be suitable for all dogs, but it comes with a lot of benefits for those who can. One of the many advantages of stair exercise is that it uses muscles not typically targeted when walking. It engages a dog’s legs, hips, shoulders, lower back muscles, and even their core.

Dogs have to lift their entire body weight from one step to the next. When they go back down, they have to control their descent, which involves negative contraction of the muscles. However, this exercise should be done carefully, as running up and down the steps at speed may result in injury.

Dog park visits

Going to the dog park rather than the yard fosters a more active environment. Dog parks are an excellent place to improve your dog’s social skills by letting them interact with other dogs of all shapes, ages, breeds, and sizes. They will also have the chance to meet and greet lots of dog-loving people. Dogs who interact and play with others get a lot of mental stimulation as well.

Make sure your dog is comfortable playing with others before going to the dog park. Not all dogs are candidates for dog-park play, and not all dog parks are suitable for all dogs.


Nosework is probably one of the best activities you can do to bond with your dog. Inspired by working detection dogs, nose work taps your dog’s hunting instincts for a specific purpose: to detect a scent and find its source.

No prior training and obedience are required for nosework. Start with hiding treats and reward your pup after they find it! This will help increase their interest in the game. The beauty of this sport is that it allows your dog to use their most highly developed sense while also keeping them active physically. Plus, nosework helps shy or fearful dogs build confidence or channel the energy of hyper dogs into fun searches.

Any dog can do nosework. You can set it up anywhere, even in the smallest of spaces.

Obstacle course

Dogs are a big fluffy ball of energy. As you can probably guess, agility is great for helping your pup release their potential energy in a safe and fun way.

Jumping is a great first activity to teach your dog, especially if you’re both new to obstacle training. Setting up your own is doable without breaking the bank. If you have a laundry basket, empty cardboard boxes, or a stack of pillows, you’re ready to make short, beginner jumps for your buddy.

Apart from the physical benefits, an obstacle course can also help build your dog’s confidence, develop self-control, and strengthen natural instincts, to name a few.


Hiking is not just a great way to relax; it’s also the best time to bond with nature. You don’t need any high-tech gear to start. If you can walk, you and your dog can hike!

Adventuring with your dog in the woods is a great workout that doesn’t feel like it. Your focus will shift to the beauty of nature and your dog’s enjoyment.

Hiking helps with weight maintenance and mental stimulation as trails provide new scents, sounds, and sights. Make sure your dog is physically ready before hiking! Once you start hiking, increase the distance and intensity over time.


Besides being fun, swimming does great things to your dog’s overall health. Water resistance makes your dog work harder to swim.

The aerobic workout helps improve muscular strength while also working the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It’s also an excellent therapy for dogs rehabilitating from an injury or surgery or having joint problems.

Not all dogs are good swimmers. If your pet struggles with swimming, use a safety vest designed for dogs. This will help them stay afloat and have a great time.


Mental health is just as important as physical health. Give your dog the mental stimulation they need for a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Puzzles provide mental exercise, decrease anxiety and boredom, and increase your dog’s problem-solving skills. Keep in mind that most dogs are quick to solve the problem. To keep your dog motivated, advance your pup to more complex puzzles once they’ve mastered the simpler ones.

Many interactive toys are designed to stimulate a dog’s brain and satisfy natural canine behaviours. Look for one that best resonates with your pup!

Remember that exercise needs are based on your dog’s age, breed, size, and overall health. A good rule of thumb is at least 30 minutes of exercise every day (when in doubt, reach out to your veterinarian). Younger dogs and dogs bred for sports may need much more.

Keep your dog’s vaccination up to date to prevent transmission of diseases when socialising or exploring nature. Don’t forget to keep your pup hydrated too! Outdoor activities are fun but can sometimes be strenuous. Last but not the least, reward your dog for a job well done! A reward will make them look forward to your next adventure!

4 Tips on How to Care for Senior Cats

Any cat parent will tell you that senior cats are wonderful companions and make excellent cuddle partners. But as your feline friend ages, their needs will change and they’ll require extra love and care to stay healthy.

What once was a rambunctious kitty is now older and beginning to show subtle signs of ageing –often referred to as ‘slowing down.’ Cats mature between 7 to 10, become officially old at around 11, and geriatric around 15 years. It’s important to recognize that senior cats have entirely different needs.

Caring for your ageing cat takes extra time and effort. You may need to make changes around the house and their everyday routine. We’ve compiled a few helpful tips to increase your cat’s quality of life as they age.

Change their diet

A proper diet means feeding the right food at the appropriate amount. As cats get older, their bodily function and nutritional needs will change. They often become thinner, losing both fat and muscle mass. Their system now makes more effort to digest and absorb nutrients, particularly fat and protein.

High quality and easily digestible protein from sources like chicken is beneficial for senior cats along with a diet that’s low in sodium and phosphorus. Senior cats are prone to kidney problems as they age so those with chronic kidney disease should go for a kidney support diet. Food with glucosamine and/or fatty acids such as DHA is also ideal, especially for senior cats with mobility issues. Gradually transition to avoid stomach issues. If you’re unsure of how to begin, your vet can help guide you on the most suitable diet for your senior cat.

Senior cats are also prone to obesity. Be mindful of the extra weight that puts more pressure on your cat’s joints.

Keep them hydrated

Staying hydrated is incredibly vital for senior cats. Water intake keeps organs functioning properly. It supports a healthy urinary tract and helps the kidneys flush out toxins. Cats can be picky with water, so it’s best to encourage them to drink enough. Getting your cat hydrated is just as important as feeding them proper nutrition.

To encourage water consumption, give your senior cat easy access to their water bowls. Don’t forget to consider your senior cat’s personal preference in water (cool, warm, etc) and to use their favorite water bowl if they have one.

Place them in areas they frequent and always keep the bowl fresh and wash every after use. A drinking fountain is also an excellent way to entice your senior cat to drink. Cats are keener on flowing water than a stagnant one.  If you suspect that your cat is dehydrated, reach out to your veterinarian.

Help with their grooming and hygiene

Cats are fastidious groomers but your senior cat may struggle to groom themselves as much as they used to. A loss in mobility or health issues may make it difficult for them to reach certain areas of their body. Help maintain their coat in good condition with gentle brushing, trimming their fur, or bathing them in lukewarm water.

The claws of an ageing feline can become thick and brittle and may require more frequent clipping. You can trim them on your own or professionally to ensure no overgrown nails could cause them pain.

It’s also important to look after your senior cat’s teeth and gums. Poor dental hygiene can put them at risk and cause damage to other organs. Brush their teeth daily at home or talk to your vet about maintaining good dental health for senior cats.

Keep them moving and active

It’s sad to see our cats become less active as they age. No more sudden swinging from drapes or chasing laser pointers! However, it’s vital that they remain active for good health, just not with vigorous exercise as it can potentially injure them.

Make time for gentle play to get your senior cat’s joints moving and increase blood flow throughout the body. Use catnip, feathers on strings, or soft toys you can toss to get them moving.

But don’t forget their mental health. Mental stimulation is crucial for preventing cognitive decline. Food games will help stimulate their mind to keep it active and sharp.

Take your senior cat to regular visits and exams with your trusted veterinarian since it’s best to detect health problems early. Senior cats need your love, compassion, and attention. Give them extra care and cherish every moment together.