Responsible Pet Ownership as Singapore Explores Cats in HDB Flats

Big changes are on the horizon as Singapore considers allowing cats in Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats. This new development signifies a progressive shift, recognising the bond between pet parents and their feline companions.

The ban on cats remains in place to this day. This decision is based on concerns about cats freely wandering around. Some get a bit uneasy around them, and others claim that cats relieve themselves in public places as a result of inadequate care from their owners. Additionally, their meowing are said to be bothersome to some. But a lot of these concerns can be easily managed with responsible cat ownership.

Things are changing, and living with cats might not be too far away in the future. And with July being Lost Pet Prevention month, it’s the perfect time to reflect on responsible pet parenting. As HDB considers allowing cats in homes, here’s what to remember to keep your feline companions safe, sound, and healthy.


A simple yet effective way to ensure the safety of your feline friend. With a tiny identification chip, pet parents provide a permanent link between themselves and their beloved pets. In the unfortunate event that a cat goes missing, microchipping significantly increases the chances of a joyful reunion. Don’t forget to update or register your microchip with AVS here.

No free roaming

Allowing cats to roam freely poses numerous risks to their safety. Cats can face dangers like traffic accidents, encounters with aggressive animals, exposure to diseases, and even getting lost. By keeping cats indoors or providing them with a safe, enclosed outdoor space, we ensure their protection while still allowing them to enjoy in a controlled environment.

Spaying and neutering

These measures not only help avoid unplanned litter but also offer a range of health advantages for cats. By spaying female cats and neutering male cats, we can reduce the chances of certain cancers and behavioural issues. This also helps minimise caterwauling, particularly when they are in heat, which is one of the reasons why neighbours might complain.  Spaying and neutering plays a vital role in managing the population of stray cats, leading to a healthier and more balanced community.

Mesh windows and balcony 

Create a secure environment by installing meshes or barriers. This nifty solution prevents those accidental falls, keeps them away from outdoor hazards, and even reduces the chance of a sneaky escape. This way, your cats can bask in the fresh air and sunlight while you kick back and relax, knowing they’re well-protected.

Use carriers and leashes

When taking your cats outside, it’s essential to use safe carriers, crates, or leashes. These can help them feel secure, cosy, and most importantly, they prevent any escape attempts or accidents. Just remember, it’s all about introducing them gradually and making it a positive experience, so your cats can have a blast too.

As Lost Pet Prevention month approaches, and as Singapore considers cats in HDB flats, it’s important to prioritise the safety and well-being of our feline companions. These efforts help them keep safe and happy in our homes. Let’s take this opportunity to raise awareness about responsible pet ownership and keep our cats safe, whether indoors or out