5 Ways To Foster the Bond Between You and Your Dog

September is not just about the warm hues, changing seasons, or the start of all things fall. It’s also Responsible Dog Ownership Month! A great time to reflect on being pet parents and the bond we have with our four-legged pals.

Dogs are unmatched in their devotion, loyalty, and friendship. From their unconditional love to their ability to sense when we’re happy or sad, they make our lives better in countless forms. Taking responsibility and learning new ways to grow as a pet parent can strengthen the bond between you and your dog.  

We know you have the basics of responsible parenting down pat. So, we’re sharing ways to foster the bond and make your connection with your dogs even stronger. And the great part is, these are easy things you can do every day.


Take daily walks, play fetch, or let them run

Since dogs are usually bursting with energy, taking them on walks is a great way to help them release it. Even if you don’t have an active dog, time outdoors is still important. This keeps them mentally and physically fit. Plus, it’s a good bonding experience while burning some extra calories too.

Make grooming a pleasant experience

Some dogs may not enjoy bath time but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a good splashy time. Make grooming fun by using treats, toys, and positive reinforcement. Keep sessions short and upbeat to make your dog comfortable. With patience and creativity, grooming can become a joyful shared activity that strengthens your connection even more.

Visit the dog park or set playdates

As much as our dogs love us, they need to spend time with other dogs too. Playdates and visits to dog parks allow dogs to socialise with their peers. This helps improve their social skills and reduce behaviour issues stemming from isolation.

Go for interactive toys

Give their brains a workout with toys that will keep them entertained and have their neurons firing. To avoid destructive behaviours brought on by excess energy and boredom, try challenging your buddy with puzzles and having them work for treats. 

You can also hide treats around the house. The hunt can be a fun activity for the whole family. Try hiding our air-dried treats for a tail-wagging good time.

Make sure their diet is healthy and nourishing

While dogs are generally not finicky about food, it’s still important to give them the highest quality nutrition. A diet that’s tailored to their age, size, and specific needs ensures optimal health for them. See our line of dog food for nutrition that’s all natural and made only with ingredients your dog needs to live their best life.

The love we have for our dogs goes beyond providing food and shelter. When we understand their needs, we make sure they’re happy and healthy overall. The extra love and care can actually increase their life expectancy. A little cuddling and a whole lot of love can go a long way! 

There are all sorts of things you can do to enrich your dog’s life even after Responsible Dog Ownership Month. Whatever chosen activity, your dog will surely relish every moment in your company.

Responsible Pet Ownership as Singapore Explores Cats in HDB Flats

Big changes are on the horizon as Singapore considers allowing cats in Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats. This new development signifies a progressive shift, recognising the bond between pet parents and their feline companions.

The ban on cats remains in place to this day. This decision is based on concerns about cats freely wandering around. Some get a bit uneasy around them, and others claim that cats relieve themselves in public places as a result of inadequate care from their owners. Additionally, their meowing are said to be bothersome to some. But a lot of these concerns can be easily managed with responsible cat ownership.

Things are changing, and living with cats might not be too far away in the future. And with July being Lost Pet Prevention month, it’s the perfect time to reflect on responsible pet parenting. As HDB considers allowing cats in homes, here’s what to remember to keep your feline companions safe, sound, and healthy.


A simple yet effective way to ensure the safety of your feline friend. With a tiny identification chip, pet parents provide a permanent link between themselves and their beloved pets. In the unfortunate event that a cat goes missing, microchipping significantly increases the chances of a joyful reunion. Don’t forget to update or register your microchip with AVS here.

No free roaming

Allowing cats to roam freely poses numerous risks to their safety. Cats can face dangers like traffic accidents, encounters with aggressive animals, exposure to diseases, and even getting lost. By keeping cats indoors or providing them with a safe, enclosed outdoor space, we ensure their protection while still allowing them to enjoy in a controlled environment.

Spaying and neutering

These measures not only help avoid unplanned litter but also offer a range of health advantages for cats. By spaying female cats and neutering male cats, we can reduce the chances of certain cancers and behavioural issues. This also helps minimise caterwauling, particularly when they are in heat, which is one of the reasons why neighbours might complain.  Spaying and neutering plays a vital role in managing the population of stray cats, leading to a healthier and more balanced community.

Mesh windows and balcony 

Create a secure environment by installing meshes or barriers. This nifty solution prevents those accidental falls, keeps them away from outdoor hazards, and even reduces the chance of a sneaky escape. This way, your cats can bask in the fresh air and sunlight while you kick back and relax, knowing they’re well-protected.

Use carriers and leashes

When taking your cats outside, it’s essential to use safe carriers, crates, or leashes. These can help them feel secure, cosy, and most importantly, they prevent any escape attempts or accidents. Just remember, it’s all about introducing them gradually and making it a positive experience, so your cats can have a blast too.

As Lost Pet Prevention month approaches, and as Singapore considers cats in HDB flats, it’s important to prioritise the safety and well-being of our feline companions. These efforts help them keep safe and happy in our homes. Let’s take this opportunity to raise awareness about responsible pet ownership and keep our cats safe, whether indoors or out

Strict or Spoiled: The Pet Parenting Sweet Spot We Could All Practice

Are you the pet parent who spoils to no end, or do you have strict rules your pal knows not to cross? Do you have hypoallergenic dogs and cats that are too precious and a challenge to manage? Parenting our furry friends is no easy feat and certainly not a one-size fits all endeavor. Pets come with different personalities, needs, and it’s up to us to figure out what makes them tick. 

Some with special conditions and sensitivities are bound to get stricter treatment while generally healthy pets can get more gentle handling. Are you strict or sweet? Which is the best approach for our pets? 

Either way, both parenting styles can lead to guilt. Are you being too harsh that they may not be living their best life? Or are you being too carefree and neglecting proper nutrition? Is there a sweet spot where you can provide the best in everything?

Why some pet parents think too strict will do the trick

As important members of the family, furrents only want the best for their pets. This stems from unconditional love and the desire to never overlook anything that could bring discomfort, pain, or unease to their beloved pal. Pet food allergies, diseases caught outdoors or from other animals, and nutritional imbalance from too many treats are all issues that caregivers are wary of. 

This structured and disciplined system is quite justifiable since some pets do have more intolerances and health concerns than others. The challenge only arises when fur parents go overboard. This is when they get too fussy and nitpicky, implementing strict diet regimens feeding only dry food for hypoallergenic dogs and cats, limited outdoor time, and stern rules when it comes to treats and rewards. This usually takes the fun out of the pet-owner bond, which could be lonely and tyrannical for the pet and stressful and exhausting for the pet owner. 

Why some furrents equate leniency as the ultimate proof of love

At the other end of the spectrum are the permissive furrents. Those who overindulge their pals with no limits and whose ultimate goal is to make their pets happy. Their love language is generosity, never wanting their fur babies to feel neglected or unloved. They constantly shower them with dry food, treats, and activities. 

There is generally nothing wrong with being carefree and indulging with pets, but most of the time, this type of approach entails some misinformed takes on pet care. Beliefs like ‘the fatter the better’ or indoor pets don’t require preventive care. This could be dangerous and may lead to illnesses that are too late to treat. A lifetime of regrets that the caretakers will have to carry.

The secret is finding the perfect balance

There is no exact formula to the perfect pet parenting style but finding the right balance of strictness and sweetness that suits our pal’s specific needs is enough. One way to determine this ideal combination is by familiarizing ourselves with our fur baby’s health history, hypersensitivities, and dietary requirements based on their breed or bloodline. This knowledge will enable us to provide better and informed nurturing choices along with a more streamlined diet, rewards, and recreation habits.

Taking time to research higher-quality nourishment options is always great practice. What we’re used to giving our pal may not always be the right one for them, so we should be open to change. Go for tried and tested hypoallergenic dogs and cats food that’s made with the best ingredients – free-range, grass-fed, fresh, hormone and antibiotic-free meat, cooked in small batches, and brimming benefits. 

As pet parents, we should not let our emotions get in the way. We should address our pet’s needs without being too obsessed with instant results or too laid back by letting them heal on their own. Our fur friend’s peak wellness needs time and effort to develop. To achieve this, we need to be patient, calm, and objective. When in doubt, always seek professional help. 

Lastly, we should never take away the fun in the pet-furrent relationship. Just because we’re being cautious does not mean our pal doesn’t deserve goodies from time to time. What’s on the treats shelf may not always be good for them so we should make sure that our little rewards are not only delicious but also functional – air-dried treats that they would enjoy munching on whether we’re training or just feeling a little bit generous. 

Investing in the optimal amount of indulgence and caution where our pal’s nutrition and happiness are taken care of may sound like a challenging task. But once we’ve found that sweet spot, the guilt will melt away and the best pet parenting reward one could ever want would follow: peace of mind.  

cute corgi dog and fluffy cat are sitting on a sunny summer day in a meadow

Jump-start your journey to better pet parenting with earthmade by Boneve’s dry food for cats and dry food for dogs. Made with 100% fresh ingredients from New Zealand and prepared and cooked artisanally for optimum quality and nutrition. Natural pet food that suits your pal’s needs.

4 Benefits Of Locally-Sourced Ingredients to Humans, Nature, and Pets

There is nothing more natural than food made fresh from the source. This is why the popularity of locally-sourced ingredients keeps attracting new followers through the years. Such ingredients benefit humans, pets, and the environment in specific ways. 

Experts and laymen alike cite health benefits as the main reason why locally made ingredients are better than ones imported elsewhere. Besides this, you might not be familiar with the other benefits of ingredients sourced locally. Here are four major benefits of locally-sourced ingredients to humans, nature, and pets.

Reduction of carbon footprint or pollution

For the environment, locally-sourced ingredients minimise pollution because they don’t typically call for far transportation. Usually, importation of ingredients involves air, land or sea transport that consumes fuel and expel smoke during long drives. Locally-sourced ingredients have less need of this, which helps reduce carbon footprint and pollution. While it may be impossible to completely omit carbon footprint in business, let’s support brands that reduce as best as they can.

Safety checked by local authorities

Local authorities can also guarantee the safety and quality of ingredients made locally. They are able to get more hands-on and see the production themselves. Local authorities may already know the farmers and producers who handle the ingredients, so there’s a level of trust and familiarity in the process. An example would be the ingredients of pet food brand earthmade. They are checked for safety and quality by the Ministry of Primary Industries in New Zealand where earthmade ingredients are made.

Freshness and nutrients with less travel time

The certification issued by authorities guarantee the quality of locally-made ingredients, but another factor is also the travel time. Produce gets picked once ripe, but the time it takes to pack and ship them to stores elsewhere can make them less fresh for consumption. Locally-made ingredients are not coated with chemicals that help them withstand the long commute since such trips aren’t really needed. Because locally-sourced ingredients don’t have such chemicals, these benefit people who want to eat food they choose and enjoy much of its nutrients.

Palatable for pets with picky tastes

Because locally-sourced ingredients tend to be safe, fresh, and packed with nutrients, they can be more palatable as food for pets with picky tastes. Animals have keen senses when it comes to what they eat, so it’s no surprise that they would prefer tasty and nutritious food compared to one that smells and tastes less fresh or healthy. Common household pets like dogs and cats have finite lifespans, so pet owners have to choose food that has the finest ingredients for pets to stay healthy.

Going for Local

Now that you know the benefits of ingredients sourced locally, you can rethink your current choices when it comes to food for you or your pet animal. We’ve learned that such ingredients not only benefit humans and animals but the environment as well. This is the reason more and more are going for local sourcing when it comes to food.

With earthmade, we humans, pets, and Nature are all stakeholders. The brand is conscientious with how the business might affect all three, so we do our best in following these four aspects: reducing our carbon footprint, seeking local authorities to check our production, keeping our products fresh, and ensuring our pet food is palatable for picky pets. This is why we champion locally-sourced ingredients.