10 Ways to Celebrate Chinese New Year With Your Dogs

From scrumptious food to impressive pyrotechnics, these are a few ways Chinese New Year is commonly celebrated around the world. As it marks the start of a new lunar cycle, it’s a time of festivities and gatherings with friends and family—including our dogs.

Our pups are family and we treat them as such every day and on any occasion. When it comes to celebrations, we want to make it special and memorable for them too. After all, it’s not a party if we have to leave our furry pal behind.

Chinese New Year is celebrated over fifteen days, so there’s plenty of time to make sure your dogs get a slice of fun! But just in case you’re short on ideas, we’re sharing ten ways on how your pups can celebrate Lunar New Year happily with you.

1. Give them a good brushing
Let them welcome the Year of the Tiger feeling fresh and clean. Our pups need a good brushing regularly. It helps with their hair shedding everywhere and from their coat getting too matted. Plus, we want them looking fresh when they’re strutting around the house as the festivities begin.

2. Dress up and wear something silly
Celebrations are in full swing and there’s no reason you should leave your dog out of the fun. You can try many silly and fun outfits with your pup. Make them party-ready with a darling costume they are comfortable with. Opt for red since it’s the color of the season and it’s associated with happiness and good fortune.

Do remember that dogs are prone to licking and chewing, so steer clear of glittery and sparkly outfits. If your dog doesn’t like dressing up, a smart bowtie over their collar or a party hat is just as festive. Don’t forget to take photos!

3. Surprise them with new treats
We always love spoiling our dogs with yummy snacks and treats. Add Earthmade’s air-dried dog treats to their menu. It’s a party but we still want them to eat healthy. Air-dried food retains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes naturally without additives or preservatives. It’s food that delivers power-packed nutrition and flavor.

Give them a little feast of their own with Free-Range Grass-Fed Goat Liver Slice, Free-Range Grass-Fed Venison Ears, or Free-Range Grass-Fed Goat Lung Slice. All are great sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals. They’re air-dried, grain-free, and hypoallergenic treats suitable even for dogs prone to allergies.

Spoil other pups too and send some angbao or gift bags their way with Earthmade treats!

4. Build a blanket fort

In case you have family and friends over, designate a safe space where your dog can relax or hide if they start to get tired. Fill the space with their favorite toys, pillows, and blankets.

You can also try to muffle the noise with a sound machine. Dim the lights and, before you know it, your dogs will drift to a peaceful slumber. Your dog might prefer to hunker down in an enclosed area rather than the couch with guests around, so it’s best to have this option.

5. Take your dog for a walk
Just the two of you before it gets busy! Our dogs thrive with attention and care, so it’s important to spend as much quality time as you can. If you’re going to entertain guests later, take your dog out for a walk before the celebration kicks in.

Be completely present and refrain from using your phone. Play with them, give them treats, or just let them run free in a safe open space. Your pooch will love you even more for this.

6. Make resolutions together
Resolutions are hard to stick to on your own, so it helps to have someone to keep you on track. And there’s nobody better to have by your side than your beloved furry companion.

Take this chance to bond while developing healthier habits together. Commit to doing daily walks, playing more in the park, or taking a trip somewhere new. Treat yourself and your pup to a year filled with exciting adventures and new experiences together.

7. Have an intimate dog party
When it comes to doggie parties, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it intimate. Invite some friends and family who are paw parents too. You can serve dog-friendly food, give out “doggie bags” filled with treats and goodies, and play some games.

Make it even more memorable with a pet-friendly photobooth. Put together silly props or baubles (that are not harmful for your pets) to use in your pictures. You don’t need an expensive camera—just set up your phone or computer with a timer and enjoy!

8. Have a movie marathon
If you’re keen on a quiet Chinese New Year celebration, why not have a movie marathon with your dog? ​​Put on your comfiest pajamas, make fresh popcorn (for yourself), bring out some treats (for your furry friend), and cuddle up and watch some movies together. Extra bonus points if you watch dog movies in between. Napkins for the inevitable tear-jerker scene required!

9. Spread goodwill
Many Chinese New Year festivities are centered on reconnecting with friends and family while giving small meaningful gifts. But why not give to local shelters too? They provide important service but often with limited resources.

Show your appreciation to your pup by giving to other animals in need. Surprise and send angbaos to your local shelter or volunteer to give them an extra hand.

10. Let them open gifts
Time to spoil our dogs silly with lots of gifts. Make the unveiling process a little more exciting by letting your pup open their presents. If you’re nervous of your dog’s unwrapping skills, keep it simple by using gift bags. That said, watch them closely as some dogs have a tendency to eat anything in sight, including wrapping papers and bags.

If you have some guests around, don’t be shy to ask them to refrain from feeding your dog anything during the party. But start by putting food harmful to your dogs out of reach. Remember that chocolate, onions, and alcohol are to be avoided. And if you’re thinking that you want to let your dog try non-alcoholic wine, anything made from grapes is just as bad.

The puppy eyes can be hard to say no to, but a harmless scrap can be dangerous as certain foods are toxic to dogs.

We hope this list helps and that you, your family, and furry pals have the best time! Have a prosperous Lunar New year!