Let’s Get Real: The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

February is Spaying and Neutering Awareness Month. Not only is it responsible pet care, but it also brings benefits for our furry friends. And with HDB’s new ruling allowing cats in flats in Singapore, this subject couldn’t be more relevant.

When you first welcome your new pet into your home, ensuring a healthy beginning involves spaying or neutering them. But rather than saying these are just mere medical procedures, let’s instead emphasise that they are acts of love and care for our furry companions.

What it means for you and your pets

A longer, healthier life
Having your cat or dog spayed or neutered can contribute to a longer, healthier life for them. Typically, spaying or neutering your dog can extend their lifespan by 1 to 3 years on average. For cats, it could mean enjoying an extra 3 to 5 years of life.

By having your pets fixed, you’re not just ensuring their well-being, but also giving them more cherished years by your side.

Fewer health issues
We all want our furry friends healthy for as long as possible. Studies show neutered male dogs and cats have fewer prostate issues, and spayed females are less likely to get breast tumours or uterine infections.

While you can have your pet spayed or neutered at almost any time, it’s ideal to have your kitties done by 5 months, once they reach an acceptable weight. For pups, small breeds under 45 pounds should get snipped around 5-6 months generally, while big guys over 45 pounds can wait till 9-15 months when they’re mature.

But every pet is different, and it’s best to talk to your vet about it. They can give you tailored advice based on your pet’s breed, age, and size.

Less desire to roam
When it comes to our male pets, getting them neutered can really save a ton of headaches! Those raging hormones also means a much intense desire to roam. Neutering helps simmer that urge and reduce the risk of fights with other pets. Intact males are more likely to escape in pursuit of mating opportunities, increasing their risk of becoming lost.

Cats can be quite loud when they’re in heat. They often vocalise and persistently attract male cats for mating. From subtle meowing sounds to loud yowls, it can be a pain for you and your neighbours. Spaying helps stop this behaviour and keeps your community peaceful too.

Cut costs
Pet bills rack up fast, and they skyrocket when your furry friend unexpectedly becomes pregnant. Getting pets fixed certainly isn’t free, but way more affordable than accidentally ending up with 4 litters of kittens or pups to feed. Prevention saves tons of hefty bills down the line.

Plus, many shelters need to turn away pets because they just don’t have room. Spaying and neutering helps so shelters are not overwhelmed for space and resources. Less accidental litter keeps the pet population in check.

Calmer, tidier household
Heat cycles can make even the friendliest pets super moody and stressed. While in heat, female cats and dogs might not feel like eating much because they’re focused on mating. Similarly, male cats and dogs can get distracted and less interested in food when they’re thinking about mating.

We can prevent most of that behavioural chaos! Studies have shown that spayed or neutered pets are way less territorial and aggressive overall. No physical mess to clean up, and no more mood swings or anxiety that often go along with those cycles. Less stress, less mess—what’s not to love?

Environmental responsibility
Strays can impact wildlife too. Because they don’t have proper care, strays compete for food and can throw ecosystems out of balance. Small actions like spaying and neutering prevent larger disruptions down the road for vulnerable species.

While it may not seem an obvious connection at first, pet population control and environmental health go hand in hand. Spaying and neutering can help reduce pet abandonment cases. Overall, it helps keep ecosystems flowing smoothly. At boneve, we advocate for the well-being of animals, the environment, and unity among all.

A Positive Choice for Pet Health

As we celebrate Spaying and Neutering Awareness Month, let’s not forget that these decisions impact more than just our pets. They also influence our community and environment too. Through these seemingly small yet powerful choices, we’re crafting a brighter future for our beloved furry companions.

5 Ways To Foster the Bond Between You and Your Dog

September is not just about the warm hues, changing seasons, or the start of all things fall. It’s also Responsible Dog Ownership Month! A great time to reflect on being pet parents and the bond we have with our four-legged pals.

Dogs are unmatched in their devotion, loyalty, and friendship. From their unconditional love to their ability to sense when we’re happy or sad, they make our lives better in countless forms. Taking responsibility and learning new ways to grow as a pet parent can strengthen the bond between you and your dog.  

We know you have the basics of responsible parenting down pat. So, we’re sharing ways to foster the bond and make your connection with your dogs even stronger. And the great part is, these are easy things you can do every day.


Take daily walks, play fetch, or let them run

Since dogs are usually bursting with energy, taking them on walks is a great way to help them release it. Even if you don’t have an active dog, time outdoors is still important. This keeps them mentally and physically fit. Plus, it’s a good bonding experience while burning some extra calories too.

Make grooming a pleasant experience

Some dogs may not enjoy bath time but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a good splashy time. Make grooming fun by using treats, toys, and positive reinforcement. Keep sessions short and upbeat to make your dog comfortable. With patience and creativity, grooming can become a joyful shared activity that strengthens your connection even more.

Visit the dog park or set playdates

As much as our dogs love us, they need to spend time with other dogs too. Playdates and visits to dog parks allow dogs to socialise with their peers. This helps improve their social skills and reduce behaviour issues stemming from isolation.

Go for interactive toys

Give their brains a workout with toys that will keep them entertained and have their neurons firing. To avoid destructive behaviours brought on by excess energy and boredom, try challenging your buddy with puzzles and having them work for treats. 

You can also hide treats around the house. The hunt can be a fun activity for the whole family. Try hiding our air-dried treats for a tail-wagging good time.

Make sure their diet is healthy and nourishing

While dogs are generally not finicky about food, it’s still important to give them the highest quality nutrition. A diet that’s tailored to their age, size, and specific needs ensures optimal health for them. See our line of dog food for nutrition that’s all natural and made only with ingredients your dog needs to live their best life.

The love we have for our dogs goes beyond providing food and shelter. When we understand their needs, we make sure they’re happy and healthy overall. The extra love and care can actually increase their life expectancy. A little cuddling and a whole lot of love can go a long way! 

There are all sorts of things you can do to enrich your dog’s life even after Responsible Dog Ownership Month. Whatever chosen activity, your dog will surely relish every moment in your company.

4 Tips on How to Care For Senior Dogs

Many dogs become lifetime companions for humans. A pup can be born in a household, grow up, then reach old age at the same address. Dogs have limited lifespans, but that doesn’t make them any less special than a human’s other companions in the household. We can treat these canines with care that they deserve, especially once they grow old. So it’s not surprising that managing senior dogs continues to be a trending topic among pet owners. What are some significant steps to take as you care for your ageing dog at home? Follow these tips below.

Provide Accessories for Senior Dogs

Just like us humans, senior dogs don’t have the same strength or vitality they had when they were younger. This is why certain products or accessories are available to help senior dogs maintain a comfortable quality of life at their age. Orthopaedic beds, warmers, and anti-slip socks are some examples you can provide for your elderly doggy. These simple investments can help relieve joint aches, maintain a comfortable temperature, or stabilise walking.

Maintain a Healthy Diet for Them

Feed senior dogs food that’s recommended for their age to maintain a healthy diet for their age. Follow a veterinarian’s advice if your senior dog has specific medical needs. After all, veterinary doctors know what diet or supplement would best work for your pet’s condition. Your canine companion’s diet becomes more delicate as they age, so don’t feed them anything not approved by their vet.

Visit Your Veterinarian Regularly

Speaking of veterinary help, pet owners are still expected to visit their trusted vets regularly. This lets veterinarians monitor your senior dog’s health and recommend specific plans of action in case of medical conditions that need urgent attention. This habit is a worthwhile investment with how it gives you peace of mind and your ageing dog a healthier quality of life.

Maintain Their Mental and Physical Activity

Stimulate your dog with brain games and scavenger hunts to keep their mind and body active at their age. You can do these at a pace that they can keep up with so as not to tire them out. For example, you can hide their favourite treats at various hidden spots around the house that they can then go and find. For physical activities, you can do simple fetch, provide chew toys, or do simple swimming if your canine is unafraid of the water.

Senior dogs deserve the same attention and love we gave them when they were younger, if no moreso. They are our furry, loyal life companions that often bore witness to every ups and downs in our life. They might not have the same youthful playfulness they had before, we must still understand their lifespan, age, and the changes that come with such. By taking these to heart, we can learn to respect our canine friends and realise our role as their human caretakers.